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Learn more about the different type of ants found throughout Malaysia. Call Innovative Pest Management to control and eliminate ant infestation near your property.

Most Common Ant Species

Ants Species in Malaysia (Semut)

In Malaysia, there are over 800 species of ants compare to an estimation of 22,000 species worldwide. Their primary objective is to find a mate and establish a large colony close to a food source. With about 8 common species in Malaysia, it is not surprising that they have become a source of frustration and concern. Regrettably, many are unaware of the potential threat and risks they pose.

However, there are several effective methods available to address infestations. To prevent invasions in your property, you can minimise moisture and standing water in the surrounding area. Advisable to quickly repair any leaks or drippy taps. Additionally, keep tree branches and potted plants away from your house as they often utilize them as entry points.

Various treatment methods are available to tackle infestations permanently. However, engaging the professionals from Innovative Pest Management services is the best option to address your pest problem.



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The Lifecycle, Dietary & Habitat

Characteristics of Ants

They are social insects that establish nest colonies. Their nests can be from underground, in mounds, in wood structures, or even within your own premises. They typically construct their nests using dirt, soil, and plant materials.


They go through four distinct stages of the Ant life cycle: eggs, larvae, pupae, and finally, adults. The ants larvae are off-white in colour and lack legs, resembling small maggots. As they grow, they undergo multiple molting stages. During the metamorphosis period, a cocoon covers the pupae until they emerge as adults.

The entire process can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months, and adult ant can live for approximately 90 days. However, the lifespan can vary depending on the species, with some living as long as 6 months to a year. The queen ant has control over the sex of her offspring by choosing whether or not to fertilize the eggs with sperm.

All fertilised eggs and pupae are carefully nurture to become future queens. Worker ant, mostly females are responsible for the care of the larvae. Winged ants, known as reproductives, have the ability to fly. Winged males are produce at specific times of the year from unfertilised eggs, and their sole purpose is to mate.

In most species, the male ants are significantly smaller than the queens but still possess four wings. Males typically die shortly after mating, usually within a few weeks. The future queens often form a large swarm once the colony matures. The workers also feed the larvae through regurgitation of food.


Easily identify by their narrow waists, bulbous abdomens, and elbowed antennae. Although they are often mistaken for termites, they have three distinct body segments: the head, thorax, and abdomen. And comes in various different colours, including black, brown, tan, or reddish-brown.


Most types of ants in Malaysia reside underground, in dead wood, or within plant cavities. Usually nest in apartments, particularly infesting kitchens and bathrooms to easily forage for food. The kitchen serves as their primary food source, often they will establish sub-nests in cracks, crevices, and wall voids.


They have a remarkably diverse diet, consuming a wide range of food items. While some prefer protein-based meals, others opt for carbohydrates. Most of the sugar ants have a particular affinity preference for sweet foods. With honeydew, a sticky secretion that produce aphids, the central component of their diet.

Understanding The Ants Caste

The Ants Colony System

The cycle of an ant colony is task with various roles and responsibilities. Each contributes to the overall success and survival of the group. Here are the key roles of the members of the colony:


The adult queen is solely responsible for laying ant eggs and will continue to do so throughout her lifetime. Depending on species, colony can have one or multiple queens with task solely to lay eggs expanding the population.


Males are task with mating with the queen, but their lifespan is relatively short compared to other members of the colony.


The workers play a crucial role in tending to the offspring and ensuring their safety. In any event of a disturbance in the nest, they go above and beyond by rescuing the pupae. Workers are selfless beings, willing to sacrifice their own food for the well-being of the colony from other insects or thief ants. Their responsibilities include gathering food, constructing and building the nest, and maintaining cleanliness within the colony.


The colonies often have large soldiers responsible for the protection of the queen and defend the colony. These soldiers also go out in search of invaders and eliminate any threats. In addition to their defense duties, they will attack enemies to secure food and nesting space. Interestingly, once a soldier defeat a rival colony, the defeat colony's eggs become theirs and hatch ants become "slaves".

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Sign of Ants Infestation In Malaysia

They have the ability to infiltrate homes through various entry points, whether brought in or entering from outdoors. Initially, their presence may seem insignificant, with them innocently crawling around without causing much concern. However, it will not take long for them to multiply and become a widespread problem. Often catching owners off guard when faced with an infestation.

Leaving food unattended for a mere five minutes is all it takes for them to eagerly feast upon it. This behaviour serves as a clear sign that you are dealing with a serious pest issue. They may make a special appearance from time to time in various areas of your property. The kitchen is definitely their favourite nesting ground because of the abundance of food sources.

This frequent presence throughout your home signifies an expansion of the indoor colony. To prevent the establishment of additional sub-nests and effectively control the infestation within your property, seeking professional pest control services is necessary. Be on the lookout for the following signs:


They leave behind pheromone trails that enable others to locate and follow them to food sources and back to their nest. You may notice a significant number of them diligently working together to transport food to their nest.


Not only in the United States North America, flying swarmers in Malaysia do happens. When queens from mature colony are on a mission to establish new colonies. During migration, you can find wings and you need to inspect them to exclude the possibility of flying termites. You will notice a significant increase of activities, they will roam around and impossible to leave any food unattended.


Indoors, they tend to hide in cracks and crevices within walls. Outdoors, they often create nests in small piles of soil or damaged wood, such as the nests of red imported fire ants.


While not all of them bite, there are some species that can cause allergic reactions when they do. The painful sting of fire ants is one of the most common bites experienced when attacked in groups. Argentine ants are aggressive and territorial, one of the most problematic species worldwide.

The Types of Ants Commonly Found in Malaysia

Types of Ants Species

Black House Ant (Ochetellus)

They live in forested areas, nesting under rocks, dry logs, rotten wood and in trees or plant. In urban living their nests can be in buildings and structures, ceilings and within walls. These nocturnal pests, forms a long trails from trees branches searching for food like honeydew and insects.

Fire Ant (Solenopsis)

They prefer being in the rainforests, undisturbed areas, alongside the roads, buildings structures and in electrical equipment. The colonies builds massive mounds made of soil with no visible entry. They forage for food during the hot weather and will bite defending the nest and colony.

Ghost Ant (Tapinoma Melanocephalum)

They often thrive in multiple nest sites and have a diverse ability explore. They have a particular preference for carbohydrate-based food. They infest location that offer abundance of food and water source such as kitchen and bathroom in the premises.

Odorous House Ant (Tapinoma Sessile)

This species can easily adapt to any type of living condition, a common pest problem for property owners. They nests in dirt soil, under rocks, dead logs and loose bark under leaves and rubbish piles and even in bird nests. 

Pharaoh Ant (Monomorium Pharaonis)

They are harder to eliminate as most baits do not work well for them. Moreover, they prefer protein-based food and are predominantly nocturnal, commonly found in homes. Because of their behaviour, it is more challenging to determine the size of their colony.

Crazy Ant (Paratrechina Longicornis)

They exhibit a unique defensive technique. When faced with a threat, they tend to scatter. These ants also have a preference for a diet high in sugar, similar to odorous house ants, pavement ants, and black ants.

Carpenter Ant (Camponotus Pennsylvanicus)

Often mistaken for wood-eating insects, but their primary purpose is to burrow into the wood to create nests. They can spread rapidly during infestation, and they frequently relocate to accommodate their growing colony. They can also be responsible for structural damage.

Pavement Ant (Tetramorium Caespitum)

They are not fussy with where they nest as long as it is close to a water source. They feed on almost anything and can be in properties during the night. They build mounds from dirt soil that can reach higher than 10 cm.

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