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Learn more about the different type of bees found throughout Malaysia. Call Innovative Pest Management to control and eliminate bee infestation near your property.

Most Common Bee Species

Bee Species in Malaysia (Lebah)

Bee in Malay, lebah are essential flying insects that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They are closely related to ants, wasps, and hornets, and there are approximately 20,000 species of bees worldwide. These insects are on every continent except Antarctica. They are particularly important as pollinators for both flowers and vegetables.

The list of food that they pollinate for us is extensive and includes apples, nuts, cranberries, avocados, and cucumbers. Without their help, crop will significantly reduce the yield in both size and quality. Bees are important pollinators a vital process in the life cycle of most plants. It allows them to produce seeds for future reproduction.

This pollination occurs when insects, birds, or the wind transport pollen between flowering plants. They are incredibly valuable to the environment. Understandable that some people may need assistance with managing or removing hives. In such cases, it is recommend to hire experts from pest control companies who have safe and effective methods.

Various different methods of approach when dealing with the different types of bees in Malaysia. Professional bee hive removal services provide a permanent solution to your pest problem. We will ensure the well-being of these important pollinators.




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The Lifecycle, Dietary & Habitat

Characteristics of Bee

When identifying bees, it is important to know that they evolve from ancient predatory wasps over millions of years. This lead to the emergence of various different type of species, each adapting to different environment and conditions. Presently, there are over 20,000 known species in the entire world. 

The pollination of flowering plants plays a significance in shaping their evolution. They also co-evolve with various flowering plants, forming a special relationships base on pollination match. Today, their behaviour continues to thrive in response to environmental changes and human activities.

Understanding The Bee Hierarchy

The Bee Hive System

The hive functions with precise and organise system that the colony follows closely. With every member allocate a distinct task. The beehive consist of a queen, workers and drones.

Contact Professional Help for Bees Control Services

Sign of Bee Infestation In Malaysia

Although infestations are not common on the island, there is still a possibility for them to occur. Their stings can cause allergic reactions, and the buzzing sounds can be quite irritating. Here are some signs to watch out for:


Beehives are impressive structures that can survive in unexpected places. If you notice stains or see bees nesting, it is best to contact professional bee pest control services. Neglecting the issue can attract other unwanted pests.


Depends on the species, bees live in colonies and grow quite large in North America. Some colonies may have as many as one hundred thousand members. The guard protect the nest entrance from intruders. Important to always stay indoors and keep your distance, as they may sting if they feel threaten.


Worker requires ample space and can nest in various cavities. They may choose abandoned rodent burrows, hollow logs, or even unusual spots like compost bins and barbecue grills. In cooler climates, worker and queen construct wax combs in open-air hives and use their bodies to generate heat for the nest. Crucial not to attempt removing the nest using repellants or do-it-yourself methods, as consequences can be fatal.


When they feel threatened, they will sting and die immediately after. Most species are barbless stingers that can be use multiple times. If you get sting, we highly recommend seeking medical assistance from the nearest doctor for further professional guidance.

The Types of Bee Commonly Found in Malaysia

Types of Bee Species

Bumble Bee (Bombus)

These bees are identify by their fat, furry bodies. They have a black colour with a tawny orange, brown, or reddish thorax and a bright white tail tip. They measure around 15 to 20mm in length with a wing span of 25 to 35mm.

Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa Virginica)

These bees are incredibly large and have a shining blue-black appearance. Their body are huge and stout with wings are iridescent blue-black and their legs are black and stout. Carpenter bees measure about 35mm in length and have a wingspan of 65mm. These species of bee can sting multiple times when threaten.

Mason Bees (Osmia)

These type of species are fast flying, with a dark blue metallic colour bodies. Their abdominal hair carries the pollen instead of the their legs. These species of bees are sometimes mistaken for fat, fluffy, brightly marked bumblebees.

Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera)

Belonging to the genus apis, honey bees are long-oval and stout flying insects. They have a brown or black body with bands of lighter chestnut, red, or orange-yellow across the abdomen. Similar to Malayan bees, honey bees also have a light covering of short hairs, often appearing in bands. Honey bees are smaller in size, measuring approximately 12-15mm in length and have a wingspan of 25-30mm.

Sweat Bees (Halictida)

These bees are stout and moderately hairy, with their abdomen or thorax often in a lighter colour. They are dark brown, with various tufts of brown or metallic stripes and yellow markings. Sweat bees have clear wings and yellow hairs on their legs. They measure around 4-9mm in length and have a wingspan of 20mm.

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