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Learn more about the different type of flea and tick found throughout Malaysia. Call Innovative Pest Management to control and eliminate flea and tick infestation in your property.

Most Common Flea and Tick Species

Flea and Ticks in Malaysia (Kutu)

Flea and tick in Malay is kutu are the primary concern for animal enthusiasts in Malaysia. These parasites frequently infest domestic pets, such as dogs and cats. Like bed bugs, they survive by feeding on the blood of their hosts and can transmit illnesses that make pets sick and trigger allergies. The bites in can transmit bartonellosis, a bacterial infection that causes rashes and flu-like symptoms.

They can also carry tapeworms and in rare cases, cause anaemia from a single bite. Pets that have fleas infestation will feel unbearable itch on their skin and bothersome for them. Seeking medical advice is essential if you notice any unusual symptoms. It may not seem relevant if you do not own pets, but you can easily encounter these pests during walks in the park.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is crucial to implement control measures. These parasites pose risks to both human and animal health.

Furthermore, flea population and ticks carry germs that can cause diseases like plague or cat scratch fever. They are particularly dangerous, as they can transmit various illnesses such as lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and bourbon virus. When these pests infest, they can cause numerous problems. To prevent the situation from worsening, it is advisable to contact professional pest control service for treatment.



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The Lifecycle, Dietary & Habitat

Characteristics of Flea and Ticks

Pet owners regard their pets as part of the family, and therefore, ensuring their safety is paramount. Regardless of the weather in Malaysia, it is important to understand that your pets are mostly at risk from these pests. Various type of ticks and fleas prefer residing in forested areas that most pests get curious and venture into. Adult flea and ticks feed on blood meal and some preventative measures must be in place for your pets.

How do you protect your pets from these parasites? Here are some preventive measures to stop the spread of flea and tick related diseases:

Limit Outdoor Time

The more time your pets spend outdoors, the higher the chance of them picking up cat fleas and American dog ticks from other animals. Ensure your pets receive regular grooming and showers after being outside.

Avoid Contact with Stray

Stray animals often lack proper hygiene care, making them more likely to have infestations. Constant itching and scratching are clear indications of flea in Malay kutu rambut. Regularly check your dog skin for red marks and promptly address any stage of flea related issues.

Maintain Pet's Grooming

By bathing and brushing your pets regularly, you can quickly identify if they have any infestation problems. Purchase a comb for your pets to kill the adult fleas and be vigilant for signs on your dogs. Excessive hair loss on your pet's bedding can be a clear indication of a blacklegged tick infestation.

Trim The Yard

If you have a garden be sure that the grass is mow and the plants are regularly trim. They thrive in tall grasses and wooded areas and without the habitat preference, it can break the flea life cycle. By maintaining your yard, you limit their hiding places. Having the proper tick and flea treatment helps permanently eradicate these pests.

Keep House Clean

These pests can also infest carpets and rugs. Make sure to vacuum regularly to eliminate their eggs. Key ingredients to avoid pest infestation is maintaining a clean and declutter home. Having a regular inspection can prevent and protect against pests from growing in your home.

Try These Do-It-Yourself Natural Remedy

Home Remedies for Flea and Ticks

These home remedies can be effective if they do-it-yourself correctly. Important to seek professional help from Innovative pest control experts if the infestation becomes overwhelming. They have the expertise to ensure that these pest are effectively eliminate from your property. Dealing with these pests can be challenging.

Several home remedies that pet owners can try as an additional prevention measure. Consider giving these remedies a shot:

Lemon Bath

Dilute half a cup of lemon juice in two cups of water and add it to your pet's shampoo. The citrus scent repels fleas naturally.

Eucalyptus Oil

Mix eucalyptus oil with water and put it in a spray bottle. You can use this as a repellent on your pets at any time.

Salt Treatment

 Sprinkle salt on your carpets and leave it for 1 to 2 days. Then, thoroughly vacuum your home to eliminate flea eggs and dead pests. Salt dehydrates and repels fleas effectively.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Create a spray by mixing 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 cups of water, and 2 tablespoons of neem oil. This can be apply onto your clothing, skin, or sprayed on outdoor furniture.

Lavender Planting

Consider planting lavender in your garden, as it acts as a natural deterrent for fleas. Not only will it help with flea problems for your pets, but it also adds a pleasant aroma to your home and garden.

The Types of Flea and Ticks Commonly Found in Malaysia

Types of Flea and Ticks Species

Cat Flea (Ctenocephalides Felis)

The adult female can lay around 20 over eggs daily. When eggs hatches, the larvae feed on flea waste matters for a few days. They will eventually form a protective cocoon, entering pupal stage and within days emerge as adults. The pupae are resistance to insecticides and remain passive for days, weeks, or sometimes months.

Human Fleas (Sarcoptes Scabiei)

These mites are without eyes, four pairs of legs with 2 in the front, 2 behind, bodies oval flat in shape. The spine are near the abdomen occurs folds covers with short bristles of hair. The movement of the mites on the skin produces an intense itch that may sometimes escalate to an allergic reaction.

Dog Flea (Ctenocephalides Canis)

They pierce into skin and feed from their straw like mouthpart to extract blood from host. These external parasites thrive and multiply with the blood of dogs. The dog in return will experiences severe itching all over the infested areas that these pest may reside. They do not have any wings, instead their hard bodies are cover with hairs and spines, making it easy to travel through dog fur.

Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus Sanguineus)

Their bite does not cause immediate pain but poses a significant health risks if untreated. These parasites reside in your pet fur and feed for a few days. They can grow around the size of the pinky finger nail after feed. The saliva can carry lyme disease but with an early removal it can reduce the chance of transmitting the disease.

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