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Learn more about the different type of mosquitoes found throughout Malaysia. Call Innovative Pest Management to control and eliminate mosquitoes infestation and breeding near your property.
Most Common Mosquito Species
The Mosquito in Malaysia (Nyamuk)
Mosquitoes, undoubtedly one of the most dangerous insects worldwide, pose a significant threat to human health. Estimate that these tiny pests, mosquito diseases spreader causes a staggering 700,000 deaths each year. Not only do they transmit various viruses and parasites, but they also propagate devastating mosquito-borne diseases. It includes dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria, st Louis encephalitis, eastern equine encephalitis, chikungunya virus, and the infamous zika virus.
Controlling the rapid spread of these diseases has become increasingly challenging because of the global population growth. Particularly in hot and humid environments, mosquito infestations thrive, making long-term eradication efforts difficult, especially in tropical regions. Remarkably, they have proven to adapt and breed successfully outside their natural habitats, infesting diverse locations.
These resilient creatures often utilise stagnant water containers as their preferred egg-deposit sites. To permanently eliminate your mosquito problem, it is advisable to seek professional pest control services. These experts possess the necessary expertise and tools to effectively rid your surroundings of these disease-carrying insects.
The Lifecycle, Dietary & Habitat
Characteristics of Mosquitoes
They undergo four stages of development before reaching adulthood, namely eggs, larvae, pupa, and finally, adulthood. Typically, females lay their eggs in water, although the eggs can also survive for extended periods without water source. Conversely, mosquito larvae and pupae are entirely dependent on water for survival.
Eggs to Larvae
The hatching of the eggs takes approximately 12-24 hours, depending on the conditions. For instance, under optimal conditions, an Aedes can hatch in less than a day.
Larvae to Pupa
This stage lasts about 7 days, as the larvae go through a molting process. The period is divide into 4 instar stages. By identifying the stages of the larvae, an expert can determine how long the breeding has occurred.
Pupa to Adult
Within 2 to 3 days, an adult emerges from the pupa, above the water. During this time, the body begins to harden, and they gains the ability to fly.
Adult Lifespan
Male have a significantly shorter lifespan, living up to 10 days or less. This means that they spend more time developing than they do as fully formed adults. Females can live for 6-8 weeks and lay eggs approximately every 3 days.
They are typically small insects with two pairs of wings for flight. The female has a long, slender proboscis and uses a tubular feeding organ to pierce skin and suck blood. In contrast, males only use their proboscis to feed on plant juices and other sources of sugar. Only females bite humans for blood.
Females require blood for protein and iron to produce eggs. An adult mosquito is typically 3mm to 6mm in size. Depending on the species of mosquitoes, they can be grey in colour with scales that can be white, silver and green. While not highly visible, they also possess hairy antennae.
They will feed primarily on sweet nectar, plant sap and honeydew. Both the male and female typically have the same diet, but only females require a blood meal for reproduction. Male mosquitoes do not feed on human blood. Certain species, such as the tiger mosquito, prefer feeding on human blood as well as the blood of mammals, birds, or reptiles.
During the larval stage, they consume microorganisms like algae and bacteria present in water, aiding in their development. They do not need to eat anything while in the pupal stage.
Understanding The Danger Mosquitoes Inflict
The Mosquito Transmit Diseases Through Bite
Not every species transmit diseases, the ones capable transfer the diseases through feeds on the blood of the host. Using their sharp proboscis, which acts like a straw-like mouth, they pierce through skin after detecting carbon dioxide. This allows them to locate blood vessels and release saliva while drawing blood. When this happens, our immune system detects their saliva and produces histamine to fight it.
The histamine can cause blood vessels to react, resulting in the appearance of bumps. Reactions to bites can vary depending on the species, with some causing puffy and reddish bumps. Others leading to hard, reddish-brown swelling, and some even causing bruise-like swelling. The bites are itchy and can lead to further skin irritation if scratched.
They come in various types, with approximately 3000 to 3500 species existing worldwide. In the United States, it is believe that there are around 176 species. In Malaysia, mosquitoes pose a significant threat to public health. To prevent mosquito bites, apply mosquito repellent and wear long pants and sleeves when engaging in outdoor activities.
Contact Professional Help for Mosquitoes Control Services
Sign of Mosquito Infestation In Malaysia
When bitten by mosquitoes, the affected area can become itchy and may trigger allergic reactions. Additionally, the buzzing sound produced by mosquitoes can be quite bothersome. Given their small size, it can be difficult to determine whether there is an infestation on your property. However, there are some telltale signs to look out for:
Red Zone
Mosquitoes do not build nests or colonies. Instead, they congregate in areas such as ponds, marshes, swamps, and various wetlands. They prefer forested areas, such as parks and gardens, that provide ample breeding spots.
If there is stagnant standing water on your property, it can attract female mosquitoes. The presence of mosquito eggs indicates that a population has begun to breed in your area.
Mosquitoes breed in a variety of places, including tin cans, pots, plant stems, discarded tires, and plastic containers. They require only small amounts of stagnant water to initiate the breeding process.
When female are present, there is a higher likelihood of being bite, as they require blood for reproduction. If you notice an increase in the frequency of mosquito bites, it indicates a potential infestation.
The Types of Mosquitoes Commonly Found in Malaysia
Types of Mosquito Species

Aedes Mosquito (Aedes Aegypti)
Both the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus species feed on humans and animals to obtain blood for egg-laying. They can take a long distance flights and cover a few blocks during their lifespan. Prefers living in close to human to feed and spreading diseases like as dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya and zika. They hide indoors as well as outdoors, thriving in homes or nearby wooded areas.

Anopheles Mosquito (Anopheles)
Anopheles mosquitoes, known for their black to darker brown coloration, are responsible for spreading malaria. They tend to be most active in the evening and at night when they bite humans. Their range typically spans around 1.2 miles (2 km) from their larval habitats. During daylight hours, they seek out sheltered and dark areas for rest.

Culex Mosquito (Culex)
They appears in shades of brown to darker brown, is responsible for spreading west nile virus and Japanese encephalitis. While their flying range is limited, observers have noted them flying distances of up to 2 miles (3.2 km). Because of their blood-feeding habits, they tend to inhabit outdoor areas or locations near residential areas.
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