Inspect Your Property for Rodents Today

We provide a permanent solutions to one of the most destructive pests problem in f&b industries.

Rodent Pest Control

All About Rat, Mice & Rodent Control Malaysia

For property owners, the presence of rats and mice can be especially concerning, especially when there are children involved. Dealing with any kind of pest infestation can be highly inconvenient and troublesome. Likewise, for commercial establishments, a rodent infestation can be detrimental to business operations. This is because the fact that rodents are capable of transmitting various diseases.

Mice and rats spread diseases such as leptospirosis, lassa fever, salmonellosis, and rat bite fever. Rodents are among the most common pest problems encountered by both homes and businesses throughout the region. Improper management of bin centers and refuse chutes in certain areas can attract brown or even black rats. Essential to promptly activate rodent pest control professionals to address and eliminate these problems.

A key aspect of a successful control solution program is pinpointing their harbouring locations. Taking swift action and gaining control over the situation is crucial. Most of these species multiply rapidly, causing their population to spread extensively from one area to another. Ultimately, Innovative Pest Control services stands out as the best rodent control company in Malaysia.

We offer an effective and permanent solutions to rodent issues with Integrated Pest Management approach. Our rodent pest control methods are eco-friendly and safe for children and pet. Rid of rats and rodent proof your residential home and commercial business property.

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How Can We Help

Rodent Control Pest Prevention

Ultimate Guide to Rat, Mice & Rodent Control

Having prevent and control measures in place is definitely safer, when dealing with rodent. By implementing basic rodent control tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of an infestation on your property. By following these tips, your property will be safe from the issues associate with rodent infestations. Here are some helpful tips to avoid rodent:

Seal All Entry Points

They can enter your home through gaps and openings in doors and windows. Ensure that all potential entryways are properly seal. Make sure the over hanging tree branches are trim to avoid roof rats from making an entryway into the property.

Maintain Cleanliness

Proper sanitation plays a vital role in preventing them from infesting your property. Keep garbage cans cover all the time and surface clean. Dispose of rotten food properly, as its smell can attract unwanted pests.

Avoid Clutter

Rat infestation begins when the location provides easy access to food source and shelter. Eliminate empty boxes and unused cardboards, as they can provide shelter for various common pests and insects.

Remove Food Sources

Food and water are essential for survival, they thrive and multiply quickly in a large population. Use airtight containers to store leftover food. Keep store food item or containers away from the ground away from pest to access.

Glue Boards

Off-the-shelf rat traps, rat poison and baits station are effective methods for controlling rodents. Seeking assistance from pest services requires background check to ensure that the company is reputable. Obligatory to the rules and regulation of Pesticide Management in Malaysia.

First Try These Remedies

Do-It-Yourself Remedies for Rat, Mice & Rodent Control

Most people resort to purchasing glue boards and trap and eliminate when dealing with rodent control. However, knowing where to place these traps effectively can be another challenge. That is why it is important to consider the services of a professional rat pest control company. Our experts can stop the fast multiplying rat populations and effectively eradicate infestations.

These do-it-yourself home remedies are useful for mild rodent problems. They may help you temporarily rid of rodents, but it is important to note that prevention is key to long-term rodent control. Once the source of the infestation is eliminate, we can effectively manage the rodent population. Our specialists are in the industry for many years, equip with experience, training and knowledge.

We can easily identify signs of infestation and species just by the look of the rat droppings. We will then provide expert advice on the best treatment program for your property. You can try some of these methods to remedy and repel rats.

Pepper and Clove

Sprinkle this mixture near holes and openings to irritate the rat's nose and deter them from entering your property.

Potato Powder

A common practice among farmers in United States is to place this powder coat with peanut butter around premises. When ingested, the powder expands in their gut, leading to their demise.


Rats avoid the suffocating smell of ammonia. For rats or mice in residential homes or condos in Malaysia. Simply spray ammonia on small cotton balls and place in areas near rat activity.

Onion and Garlic

These vegetables produce strong odours that not only dislike by mice, rats hates it too. Placing slices of onion and garlic cloves neat the entry ways can help deter them.

Peppermint Oil

Rats find the scent of peppermint unappealing, similar to onion and garlic. Placing water and peppermint oil mixtures in areas of rat activity can deter them.

More About Rodent Treatment

Rat, Mice & Rodent Treatment for Infestations

Our rodent control treatment program begins with identifying the types of rodents in your area. Common species in Malaysia include the Norway rat, roof rat, and house mouse. Proper identification of rat and mouse droppings is a critical step in determining the type of rodent. Understanding the severity of infestation and the extent of perimeter coverage of the activity is also important.

This information we collect during inspection will allow us to address your rodent problems more efficiently.

Rodent roaming around on the roof near our precise position infrared camera on the false ceiling.

Step by Step Solution to Your Rodent Problem

Innovative Pest Control Program



The most crucial part of our job is to have the property thoroughly inspect for signs and presence of pests.

Visual Inspection or Thermal Imaging Inspection or Infrared Camera



Rodent baits and rat traps will be place in a precise locations of infestation activity. We focus closely on the target areas where food source or harbourage is available. Their furs are oily, leaving stain marks and rat droppings are evidence of their presence. Our experts will put the information they gather and plan a custom made program.



Rodent stations protects baits from moist and dirt. They will also serve as protection for children and pets as well as contamination.

Snap traps will be place in area of activity to trap rodent, as soon as it gets trigger the bar snap.

Glue board are plastic or board tray with evenly coat with sticky adhesive. Rodent are prone to get stick on it upon contact.

Rodent pellet are effective pesticide design to kill rodents such as rats and mice, adult or young rats. Using a substance such as peanut butter can aid in enticing and drawing them in.



Our report will include a hardcopy or soft copy upon completion:

We provide a hardcopy of pest report and follow-up service.

We will email the e-report to list that the pest issue is effectively solve.

Contact Us

We love to talk pest. From guiding you on the identification of the pest to solving your pest problems. No job is too small or too big for us. Call us today for more info.

+607 522 6622
+60 11 5444 4626
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