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Learn more about the different type of cockroaches found throughout Malaysia. Call Innovative Pest Management to control and eliminate cockroach infestation near your property.

Most Common Cockroach Species

Cockroach Species in
Malaysia (Lipas)

The cockroach or in Malay lipas is an insect species that has thrive on earth for over 280 million years. Presents a minor threat to humans, with only a small percentage of the 4,000 known species considered pests. Despite their mostly harmless nature, these pests lives in damp areas, unsanitary environments, scavenging for food. They pose a potential risk by carrying germs, viruses, and protozoans.

The adult cockroaches exhibit an oval-shaped, leathery body with elongated antennae and sturdy, spiky legs. They possess robust forewings, protecting their hind wings, which lie flat against their bodies during periods of rest. Their heads are partially conceal by large compound eyes and a flattened thoracic shield. In unsanitary conditions, the female can produce rapidly, contributing to their prevalence in Malaysia.

In the realm of mating, female cockroaches emit sex pheromones to attract males. While males release secretions acting as an "aphrodisiac" to prepare females for mating. Cockroaches are not confine to any particular habitat. And they can survive as long as a reliable source of sustenance exists.

While there are various preventive measures for infestation, engaging professional Innovative Pest Management services remains the most effective approach. We eradicate and prevent cockroach infestations in Malaysia.



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The Lifecycle, Dietary & Habitat

Characteristics of Cockroaches

Cockroaches are a common presence in both residential and commercial properties, with several types being frequently encounter. One such type is the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), which has an impressive flying abilities once it develops wings. Highly adaptable and can thrive in humid environments, often infiltrating properties even if no water source is nearby. The other prevailing species, is the German cockroach (Blattella germanica).

They chooses to be in the food and beverage industry and tend to prefer indoor habitats. Their presence can often lead to food poisoning and allergic reactions and commonly detect in urban living residential homes. They will normally enter into properties through open doors or windows panels. These type of cockroach in Malaysia have a strong preference to darkness and unsanitary areas.

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Sign of Cockroaches Infestation In Malaysia

Recognising the signs of an infestation is essential in preventing the escalation of the problem. If left unaddressed, these resilient pests can quickly multiply, leading to serious infestations and potential health hazards. Should you detect any of the following indicators, it is imperative to contact a professional pest control company. Their specialised knowledge in identifying breeding areas and implementing comprehensive extermination will guarantee the complete eradication of these pests from your premises. 

Be vigilant for these telltale signs:


These critters will lurk in dirty dishes, kitchen crevices, or any corner of the property, particularly during daylight hours.


Their droppings are often in a group, looks like a small specks that resemble black pepper. Important not to mistake them for mouse droppings or ground coffee, as they can look quite similar.


The egg cases serve as a homes for multiple eggs, it indicate the beginning of a breeding process. Not an easy task to locate as they often seal them in dark areas.


You will not miss their presence in your area, as they emit a strong musty odour. As the severity of an infestation goes higher the smell gets stronger.


If evidence randomly shows an inch long brownish smear markings on surfaces of floors or walls, it indicate infestation. These markings are cause by roach faeces and urine.


In Malaysia, cockroach species are notorious for consuming anything and leaving chew marks on packaging and household items.


During their life cycle, they shed their skin an average of 5 to 8 times, transitioning from a light brown to dark brown colour.


Many people are allergic to what these pest leave behind, this includes exoskeletons and faeces. If allergy symptoms appears, try monitor for their activities.

The Types of Cockroaches Commonly Found in Malaysia

Types of Cockroaches Species

American Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana)

They thrive in warm and damp environments, often preferring fermenting foods. These type of pest species hide in darkness such as sewer and water drainages. They measure about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in length and have a reddish-brown colour. What sets them apart is their long wings that cover their abdomen, allowing them to fly short distances.

The females will typically lay about 9 to 10 egg cases, that they place in cracks and crevices. The eggs hatch within 40 days, producing 10 to 14 young nymphs every time. These nymphs take between 220 and 400 days to mature, and their average lifespan is around 440 days.

German Cockroach (Blattella Germanica)

They are approximately ½ an inch in length as an adult and varies in colour from light brown to tan. With two dark colour bands behind the head and nymphs are small in size and dark, with a lighter streak on their back. They take between 40 and 125 days to mature, the highest reproductive capability among the different cockroach species. Females can produce 30 to 50 eggs in each reproductive cycle.

They will carry the eggs with them until they are ready to hatch. Approximately, 200 days is how long cockroaches live in urban living environment. Consistently mate, producing six to nine egg cases throughout their lives.

Brown-Banded Cockroach (Supella Longipalpa)

They prefer warmer temperatures compared to the German cockroach. They thrive in appliances like televisions or refrigerators. Adults measures about ½ an inch in length and beige-brown oval-shaped body with wings that protrude from their abdomen. Females are usually darker brown with a clear raindrop shape body and wings that have not fully cover the abdomen.

They usually have a distinguish yellowish bands across their abdomen. The eggs are stick onto furniture and take around 70 days to hatch. It takes about 160 more days for them to grow into adults.

Australian Cockroach (Periplaneta Australasiae)

They thrives in tropical climate, often feed on decaying organic matters. These pests hides around the perimeters od home and building properties. They measure about 1 to 2 inches in length and have a brown with lateral pale yellow stripe on their forewing. What sets them apart is their long wings that cover their abdomen, allowing them to fly short distances.

Females typically lay 12 to 24 egg cases, which they place or glue in cracks and crevices. Normally the eggs hatch within 40 days. These nymphs take approximately 200 days to mature, and their average lifespan is around 120 to 180 days.

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