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Learn more about the different type of rodents found throughout Malaysia. Call Innovative Pest Management to control and eliminate rats infestation near your property.
Most Common Rodent Species
Rodents, Rats in Malaysia (Tikus)
Rodents or in Malay tikus possess a unique sense of smell, hearing, and sight. These nocturnal pests use their large eyes to see afar. In Malaysia, most rodent species are identify by their long tails and sensitive whiskers. Some rodents even possess cheek pouches, beneath their fur, which can be invert for food storage or cleaning purposes.
Their tongue is not able to reach past the pair of incisors. Rodents boast impressive digestive systems, with the ability to absorb approximately 80% of the energy obtained from ingested food. They employ coprophagy, a practice in which they consume their own faeces to extract additional nutrients. Rats are a warm-blood creatures hidden in every corner of the globe.
Belonging to the order Rodentia, they constitute the largest mammalian order. Rat infestations are a prevalent and troublesome pest issue worldwide. They are notorious for their unsanitary habits and are often associate with diseases. Such as streptobacillary rat bite fever and spirillary rat bite fever.
To effectively eliminate a rodent problem permanently, it is advisable to seek the assistance of professional pest control services. The experts will tackle the rodent infestations ensuring that your property is pest proof.
The Lifecycle, Dietary & Habitat
Characteristics of Rodents
Any species of rats or house mouse infestation is the last thing any owner wants to encounter. If you find the signs of an infestation, it is important you rid of the pests quickly. They spread numerous diseases and can cause significant damage to your property.
Rodents undergo a maturation process that takes at least 3 weeks for them to reach adulthood. Once they reach the age of 5 weeks, they become sexually mature and capable of reproducing. On average, their lifespan is around one year, although indoor rodents can live for 2 to 3 years. In a safe environment, they can even survive for longer periods.
At birth, baby rats weigh approximately 3 to 6 grams, varying depending on the species. Almost every type of rats species are blind and without any fur at birth. It takes about 6 days for their eyes to open, and by the beginning of the third week, they begin to grow fur.
Rodents possess a pair of upper and lower incisor teeth designed for gnawing. These teeth continuously grow, so rodents must chew on various objects to keep them at a manageable length. Unfortunately, this chewing behaviour can cause significant damage to homes and surrounding areas. The brown rat (rattus norvegicus), in particular, is notorious for its rapid breeding capabilities.
Rodents have a continuous reproductive cycle to maintain their population. For example, a female rodent can give birth to an average of 40 babies in a year. Under ideal conditions, they can conceive again just 48 hours after giving birth. This rapid reproductive cycle contributes to their population growth within a short period.
Rodents food sources depend on their habitat, whether they reside in urban areas, rural environments, or the wild. Roof rats are omnivorous, favour grain, nuts and fruits. However, when food becomes scarce, they will begin to consume anything available. Additionally, rodents have a habit of storing food in their hiding places.
Norway rats have a variety of diet that includes cereals, meat, and virtually anything they can find to survive. Similarly, house mice in Malaysia primarily consume seeds, nuts, and cereal grains. However, like roof rats and Norway rats, they have the ability to eat almost anything when necessary. Without a source of food, rodents can only survive for about 4 days.
Contact Professional Help for Rodents Control Services
Sign of Rodents Infestation In Malaysia
Rodents come in various species, with at least 1,500 known worldwide. While many of us are familiar with rats and mice, some even consider kangaroo rats or blind mole rats as pets. Most rats live above ground and build nest underground and they can quickly become a problem in areas with poor trash management. They spread diseases such as hantavirus, leptospirosis, bubonic plague, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, tularemia and salmonella.
Rodents including rats and mice leaves footprints and smear marks typically appear dirty, as rats often carry harmful diseases. They leave marks as they rub against walls or squeeze through openings to enter your home. If you encounter these signs, it's crucial to address the rodent problem promptly.
Rodents breed consistently throughout the year and seek secluded areas to nest and reproduce. They often tear up materials like paper, cardboard, and cushion sponge to construct their nests. If you observe these activities, it's imperative to take appropriate action.
They tend to chew on the packaging and consume small bites over time. If you start noticing multiple bite marks or signs of chewing on food packaging. A clear indication of a rodent infestation and overtime they will start nesting. This will cause further damage to the property as the population grows rapidly.
Faecal Matter
Among these pests, house mice droppings are the smallest, proportional to their body size. By assessing the size of the droppings, a rat control specialist can determine the type of rodent infesting your home. Typically, larger rodents leave bigger droppings.
The Types of Rodents Commonly Found in Malaysia
Types of Rodents Species

Black Rat (Rattus Rattus)
They pose the greatest challenge to extermination efforts as they prefer to live above ground. This makes it difficult for humans to access their hiding places and set bait stations. These rodents are nocturnal and highly agile, making them one of the most adept climbers in the rodent family. While Norway rats seek refuge in underground burrows, roof rats make their homes in areas such as ceilings, attics, and false walls.
They are smaller in size and have tails longer than their bodies. Adults can typically measure between 6 to 8 inches in head and body length, with tails reaching lengths of 7 to 10 inches. They have a sleek black coat and a pointed face. They reach sexual maturity within 2 to 3 months and can produce 3 to 4 litters per year, each containing 4 to 8 young.

Brown Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
These are "sewer rats" or "brown rats," typically inhabit lower ground areas such as burrows, drains, sewers, and even fields. They have incredibly poor eyesight and are colour blind. They still can run, jump, climb, swim causing significant property damage with their gnawing. They have greyish brown fur, with lighter under parts, and tails shorter than their body size.
They have small eyes, ears, with a head and body length of approximately 7 to 9 inches and tail measuring around 7 inches. Adult rats reach sexual maturity at 2 to 3 months and produce 4 to 7 litters per year with each 8 to 12 young. Their gestation period is only about 3 weeks.
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